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coaxial_power_split.php    7898 Bytes    22-04-2024 03:27:09

Coaxial Power Split Calculator

Works also as a combiner :-)

Coaxial Power Split

Frequency [MHz]

Coaxial Cable

Length L1 [mm]

Velocity Factor

✈ Construction and Performance

Coaxil Power Split / Combiner

We needed an RF Combiner beeing able to handle "some" Power, as the experiment demanded that two AOM-Controller needed to be connected together. There are broadband Solutions available out there, but delivery was scheduled about 8 weeks in the future :-(

The needed Frequency Range was 120 - 170 MHz. The Design therefore was made for an arithmetic average, beeing 145 MHz. The used Coaxial cable was KOKA 99 HD Plus (75 ± 3 Ω) with a Velocity factor of 83 ± 1 %.

We measured the following data (hp8753) .:.

S11, Sum Port was 30 dB @ 158 MHz
S22, Port 1 was 22 dB @ 158 MHz

S11, Port 2 was 22 dB @ 158 MHz
S21, Sum Port to Port 1 was 3.14 dB

S21, Sum Port to Port 2 was 3.14 dB
Isolation, Port 1 to Port 2

Unused Ports have been terminated with 50 Ω (Huber Suhner).

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t1 = 6577 d

t2 = 150 ms

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