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RF-T-PitayaBooster.php    6833 Bytes    01-03-2022 09:11:34

Red Pitaya Booster


The assembled prototype

✈ Motivation

This is a Building Block for our Quantum Experimenters. As the Red Pitaya is based on an FPGA, it enjoys high status among our Quantumopticians. Unfortunately, it has no High Voltage High Speed Low Noise output.

✈ Functional Description

This is a cascaded approach using two instrumentation amplifiers. On the first sight, it mayst deem strange to have a gain of Vu = 3.162277, but by that, we can maximise the bandwidth of the overall system, because we use the maximum bandwidth for each stage. (You can increase the bandwidth further by using more stages. See also this website.)

The overall Gain using two stages is Vu = 3.162277 * 3.162277 = 9.99999.

The first stage may also add an offset voltage to get a true bipolar signal. This is selecteable with a jumper, for each channel.

✈ Accessories

• Power Supply, e.g. Leomod
• Lemo Cable, e.g. this or that.

✈ Downloads

✈ Performance

Performance data was measured with the INA118 equipped. We can not confirm the claims in the datasheet : "A newer version of this device is now available". It was not available for me - looks like chip-manufacturer are also attacked by viruses.

At 1 kHz, this circuit works like a charme

And can handle some overdrive (approx. 50%)

The Slew Rate Limiting kicks in. The used INA118 offers 0.9 V/µs (@ Gain=10).
The INA849 (different pinout) offers 35 V/µs in case you need it.

Small Signal Gain is - of course - much higher ...

✈ Share your thoughts

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t1 = 6577 d

t2 = 229 ms

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