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PowerSupplyGallery.php    5624 Bytes    12-02-2018 11:22:58

Power Supply Gallery

As pictures say more than 1000 words ...

This is a collection, put together to give novice students an insight, on how to arrange the components and how it mayst look at the end. If appropriate, some comments if something is especially good/bad/ugly. Updated occasionally - if a new 'model' runs in front of the gun :-)

2016-001 .:. Low Power, Linear, "Quinstar" PS-1123

Quinstar, PS-1123

This is a straightforward "classic" design. ±15V, approx. 120 mA. Nothing special and therefore no surprises to be expected ...

2016-002 .:. Low Power, Step-down, "Pollin" Best.Nr. 810 025

Pollin Best.Nr. 810 025

This is a small kit to get familiar with the MC34063. Input: 5...40 V, Output : 3...12 V, maximum 650 mA. No heatsink is necessary ! More information available at : Pollin

2016-003 .:. Medium Power, Linear, "EA" Model 13-100-189


This is a 100 x 160 mm card, using twice the L200 voltage regulator with current limit capability. Notice the strictly symmetric design which prevents layout/assembly errors. The voltage regulator between the transformer and the heatsink is almost inaccessible.

✈ Final Notes

We have no schematics. All devices are shown for educational purposes. Most of them have been found at the electronic waste. After a short autopsy/photo shooting they were send back to the happy hunting grounds.

✈ Share your thoughts

The webmaster does not read these comments regularely. Urgent questions should be send via email. Ads or links to completely uncorrelated things will be removed.

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