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PWM-to-DC-Lowpass-Calculator.php    8648 Bytes    11-04-2022 13:20:12

PWM to DC Lowpass Calculator

Online components calculator

PWM Voltage [Vpp]
(output voltage swing)
Permissible Ripple [mVpp]
Necessary Attenuation [dB]

PWM Frequency [kHz]
Order Lowpass [1...9]
Cutoff Frequency [kHz]

Resistor [kΩ]
Use next larger value.
Settling Time [ms]
(0.1% to 99.9% Duty Cycle)

✈ Some Design Notes

• Choose a Resistor larger than 330 Ω to avoid heavy loading of the digital output.

• When using more than one stage, an opamp buffer mayst deem useful.

• Try to increase the PWM frequency to achieve a fast settling time.

• Read this Application Note from Allegro microsystems.

Jump from 40% Duty Cycle to 80% causes the DC to rise. Tested with Arduino™. Lowpass first order. R = 15 kΩ, C = 330 nF, F = 976.5 Hz.

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t1 = 6577 d

t2 = 319 ms

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