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PETH-8093.php    11285 Bytes    13-01-2022 20:10:17

PETH-8093 Power Supply

A compact quadruple Power Supply


✈ The building Blocks • Functional Description

Arduino Project PETH-8093 (Block Diagram)

This Power Supply was mainly designed to recycle a bunch of toroid transformers, having worked hard in their previous life in AOM-Controllers. On the bottom board, we therefore find three times a bridge rectifier with a storage capacitor. The only "easy" way to get to "reasonable" voltages was the use of step down converters. We used : TSR 2-2450, TSN 1-24150A and P78E15-1000 or similiar.

On the top board, again, a bridge rectifier with some storage capacitors are placed. As we wanted an adjusteable output voltage, the regulation is a cascade of a step down converter (LM5005MH) which can handle input voltages up to 75 V, followed by a linear regulator (LT3081). The output voltage of the later controls the feedback loop of the step down regulator. By that, the input of the linear regulator is always approx. 2 V above the output voltage. The setpoint is defined by a 20 kΩ Potentiometer, sitting on the bottom board.

Finally, an arduino nano is used to monitor the temperature as well as the output voltage. It is displayed with 5 led's, indicating the voltage in a binary fashion.

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/* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

  ARDUINO/Genuino Project "PETH-8093", yet another Power Supply
  Software Version 1.0
  26.12.2021 by ALEXANDER SSE FRANK

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */

// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// T E M P E R A T U R E,  1 µA/°C * 5k1 = 5.1 mV/°C
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

float Temperature = 0.0 ;
const int TempPin = A6 ;
const int TempLEDPin = A4 ;
int Tempomat = 0 ;

void UpdateTemperature()
  Temperature = 0.5 * (Temperature + analogRead(TempPin) * 0.9583501) ;

// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// C U R R E N T
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

float Current = 0.0 ;
const int CurrentPin = A5 ; 

void UpdateCurrent()
  Current = 0.5 * (Current + analogRead(CurrentPin) * 0.4887585) ;

// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// P R I M A R Y   V O L T A G E
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

float Primary = 0.0 ;
const int PrimVoltPin = A7 ;

void UpdatePrimary()
  Primary = 0.5 * (Primary + analogRead(PrimVoltPin) * 0.0782014) ;

// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// S E C O N D A R Y   V O L T A G E
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

float Output = 0.0 ;
const int OutVoltPin = A0 ;

const int LED1Pin = 6 ;
const int LED2Pin = 5 ;
const int LED3Pin = 4 ;
const int LED4Pin = 3 ;
const int LED5Pin = 2 ;
int Ganz = 0 ;

void UpdateOutput()
  Output = 0.5 * (Output + analogRead(OutVoltPin) * 0.0293255) ;

  Ganz = (int)(Output + 0.5) ;
  if((Ganz & 0x01) > 0) digitalWrite (LED1Pin, HIGH ) ;
  else digitalWrite (LED1Pin, LOW ) ;  
  if((Ganz & 0x02) > 0) digitalWrite (LED2Pin, HIGH ) ;
  else digitalWrite (LED2Pin, LOW ) ;  
  if((Ganz & 0x04) > 0) digitalWrite (LED3Pin, HIGH ) ;
  else digitalWrite (LED3Pin, LOW ) ;
  if((Ganz & 0x08) > 0) digitalWrite (LED4Pin, HIGH ) ;
  else digitalWrite (LED4Pin, LOW ) ;
  if((Ganz & 0x10) > 0) digitalWrite (LED5Pin, HIGH ) ;
  else digitalWrite (LED5Pin, LOW ) ;    

// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// S E T U P
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void setup()
  Serial.begin(115200) ;

  pinMode( CurrentPin , INPUT ) ;
  pinMode( PrimVoltPin, INPUT ) ;
  pinMode( OutVoltPin, INPUT ) ;
  pinMode( LED1Pin, OUTPUT ) ;
  pinMode( LED2Pin, OUTPUT ) ;
  pinMode( LED3Pin, OUTPUT ) ;
  pinMode( LED4Pin, OUTPUT ) ;
  pinMode( LED5Pin, OUTPUT ) ;
  pinMode( TempLEDPin, OUTPUT ) ;
  digitalWrite (LED1Pin, HIGH ) ;
  digitalWrite (LED2Pin, HIGH ) ;
  digitalWrite (LED3Pin, HIGH ) ;
  digitalWrite (LED4Pin, HIGH ) ;
  digitalWrite (LED5Pin, HIGH ) ;
  digitalWrite (TempLEDPin, HIGH ) ;
  delay(3000) ;
  digitalWrite (LED1Pin, LOW ) ;
  digitalWrite (LED2Pin, LOW ) ;
  digitalWrite (LED3Pin, LOW ) ;
  digitalWrite (LED4Pin, LOW ) ;
  digitalWrite (LED5Pin, LOW ) ;
  digitalWrite (TempLEDPin, LOW ) ;

// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// M A I N L O O P
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void loop()
  UpdatePrimary() ; Serial.print(Primary,3) ;
  Serial.print(",") ;
  UpdateOutput() ; Serial.print(Output,3) ;
  Serial.print(",") ;
  UpdateCurrent() ; Serial.print(Current,3) ;
  Serial.print(",") ;
  UpdateTemperature() ; Serial.println(Temperature,3) ;
  Tempomat = millis() % 10000 ; // PWM, F = 0.1 Hz
  if((100*Temperature) > Tempomat) digitalWrite (TempLEDPin, HIGH ) ;
  else digitalWrite (TempLEDPin, LOW ) ;
  delay(50) ;

// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Arduino Project PETH-8093

The Bottom Board. Keep it simple was the order of the day ...

Arduino Project PETH-8093

The Top Board. A cascaded approach for the adjusteable voltage is used.

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