Oscillators.php 16060 Bytes 15-10-2024 05:32:10
CIRCUIT 1-1 : Wien Bridge Sine Wave Oscillator
CIRCUIT 1-2 : Phase Shift Oscillator
Source: National Semiconductor,
LM 380 Datasheet
3 x RC Phase Shifter
Freq. approx. 4 kHz
CIRCUIT 1-3 : Wien Bridge Oscillator with AGC
Source: Texas Instruments,
Op Amps For Everyone
The op amp is configured as an ac amplifier to ease biasing problems
The diode rectifies the output voltage and applies it to the voltage divider formed by R1, R2
CIRCUIT 1-4 : Quadrature Oscillator
Source: Texas Instruments,
Op Amps For Everyone
When R1xC1 = R2xC2 = R3xC3, the circuit oscillates at ω = 2πf = 1/RC.
CIRCUIT 1-5 : Wien Bridge Oscillator with Nonlinear Feedback
CIRCUIT 1-6 : Classical Phase Shift Oscillator
Source: Texas Instruments,
Op Amps For Everyone
undistorted sine wave available at the output
CIRCUIT 1-7 : Buffered Phase Shift Oscillator
Source: Texas Instruments,
Op Amps For Everyone
undistorted sine wave available at the output
CIRCUIT 1-8 : Bubba Oscillator
Source: Texas Instruments,
Op Amps For Everyone
The Bubba oscillator is another phase shift oscillator
Four RC sections require –45° phase shift per section
Very low distortion sine waves can be obtained
CIRCUIT 1-9 : Triangle Oscillator
Source: Texas Instruments,
Op Amps For Everyone
The triangle oscillator produces triangle waves and square waves
CIRCUIT 2-1 : Typical Gate Oscillator
Source: Fairchild Semiconductor,
HCMOS Crystal Oscillators
Choose R2 to have approx. XC at Freq. of Operation
Use equal capacitor values for Ca and Cb
CIRCUIT 2-2 : Gate Oscillator for Higher Frequencies
Source: Fairchild Semiconductor,
HCMOS Crystal Oscillators
If the Freq. is larger than 4 MHz, the additional Phase-Shift is done by the delay of the Gate.
The value of C
L is approx. 1/ωC where ω=2pf, but not less than about 20 pF.
CIRCUIT 2-3 : Gate oscillator with improved stability
Source: Fairchild Semiconductor,
HCMOS Crystal Oscillators
A small C in series with the xtal acts as the xtal load and isolates the xtal from the rest.
Ca and Cb are made large to swamp out the effects of Temp. / Supply Voltage change.
CIRCUIT 2-4 : Parallel Mode Overtone Circuit
Source: Fairchild Semiconductor,
HCMOS Crystal Oscillators
This circuit operates in the parallel mode just as the Pierce oscillator above.
The resonant circuit LA-CB is an effective short at the fundamental frequency
It is tuned somewhat below the deferred crystal overtone frequency.
L is chosen to suppress operation in the fundamental mode.
A may be tuned to produce maximum output.
CIRCUIT 2-5 : 74C14 XTAL Oscillator 100 kHz
CIRCUIT 2-6 : 4049 XTAL Oscillator 1 MHz
CIRCUIT 2-7 : 74LS04 XTAL Oscillator 10 MHz
CIRCUIT 2-8 : 74LS04 XTAL Oscillator 5 MHz
CIRCUIT 2-9 : 2N3904 XTAL Oscillator 20 MHz
CIRCUIT 2-10 : LT1016 XTAL Oscillator 1...10 MHz
CIRCUIT 2-11 : LT1016 XTAL Oscillator 10...25 MHz
CIRCUIT 2-12 : 2N3904 XTAL Oscillator
CIRCUIT 2-13 : Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
CIRCUIT 2-14 : Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator (VCXO)
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