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Lcd_custom_character_designer.php    12029 Bytes    06-07-2024 22:11:54

LCD Custom Character Designer

Code Generator, useful for the CodeVisionAVR e.a.

Yes, completely outdated in 2024 ... but Thank You for having a look anyway :-)

Notes :

You can define eight (8) characters. Use different names e.g. char0[8], char1[8], char2[8], ... The new character (char0) is stored in the lcd memory (at location 0) by the command : define_char(char0,0);. (Repeat that for every new character - AFTER the init_lcd). In order to display this new character, use the following command : lcd_gotoxy(0,3); lcd_putchar(0); This will show the first (at location 0) defined character at the position 0,3.

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