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Universal Frequency Converter .:. LNC-Si564-1C

A handy unit with large frequency range

This RF building block consists of a Mixer, a Local Oscillator with Buffer and an Arduino Micro Pro. It allows single programming on Power Up or constant programming when Sweeping. It allows frequency translation within a 5 - 3000 MHz range.

Universal Frequency Converter

✈ Specifications :

RF Range [MHz]5 - 3500ADE-35MH+
LO Range [MHz]0.2 - 2500Si 564 with Amplifier delivers + 13 dBm
IF Range [MHz]5 - 2500-
Max. Input Power200 mW, + 23 dBm@ RF Input, Damage Level of Mixer !!!
Conversion Loss [dB]8.0 ± 1.0-
Power Consumption+ 7.5 V, 500 mA-

✈ Functional Description • The Building Blocks

Block Diagram Universal Frequency Converter

The heart of this converter is the Si 564 from SILABS. It is an Ultra Low Jitter I2C Programmable XO (90 fs), 0.2 to 3000 MHz. We use the (Part Number: 564AAAA000112ABG) here. It has two LVPECL outputs which are summed up by a TCM1-83x-1+ transformer. (From Mini Circuits).

The Programming is done by an Arduino Micro Pro from SparkFun.

Following the XO, there is an attenuator (ATT1), an amplifier (GALI-2+) followed by another attenuator (ATT2). This is to ensure, that the LO is more or less + 13 dBm.

✈ Si 564 from SILABS

Block Diagram Si564
Inside the Si564, Drawing courtesy of Silabs

This is the heart of our converter. Not only because it provides the "heart-beat", but also because it provides an ultra-low jitter, low phase noise clock at any output frequency. The device is user-programmed via simple I2C commands to provide any frequency from 0.2 to 3000 MHz with <1 ppb resolution and maintains exceptionally low jitter for both integer and fractional frequencies across its operating range. The Si564 offers excellent reliability and frequency stability as well as guaranteed aging performance. Says the datasheet. And we see it that way too.

✈ Printed Circuit Board • Assembly

Universal Frequency Converter

The pcb, visualised by Beta Layout

The board is made of FR4 and it is 1.55 mm thick. It is single sided, the bottom layer is GND only. RF design rules have been applied. A 50 Ω trace is 1.5 mm wide and has a gap of 0.345 mm. The RF corners have an X/D ratio of 69.6 %. We used this calculator for the corners.

We use 1206, 0603 and 0402 components here.

Depending on the frequency of the Local Oscillator, different attenuators are to be used to achieve + 13 dBm for the mixer.

We suggest the following values :

LO Range [MHz]ATT 1 [dB]ATT 2 [dB]
< 100031
1000 - 150030
1500 - 175020
1750 - 200020
2000 - 225010
2250 - 250010

Differential Swing of the Si564

Output Voltage swing of the Si564, Drawing courtesy of SILABS, see datasheet page 6

And yes, the situation gets worse with the transformer, because it is also frequency - dependant.

✈ Case

The case is milled from aluminium. Coated with nickel to ensure high conductivity. The case was not available at the time this website was created. See the download section for the drawing.

✈ Downloads

✈ Arduino Sketch - The Code

Double click on code to select ...

/* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
Sparkfun Pro Micro Sketch for LNC-Si564-1C
Software Version 1.0, 
09.09.2019 by Alexander Sse Frank


#include <Wire.h>

unsigned long long F_VCO_MIN = 10800000000 ;
unsigned long long F_VCO_MAX = 13122222022 ;
unsigned long long F_OUT_MIN = 19999999 ;
unsigned long long F_OUT_MAX = 2500000001 ;
unsigned long long F_OUT = 500000000 ;   
const byte Si564_Address = 0x55 ;

const int PullUpC = 4 ;
const int PullUpD = 8 ;

void setup() 

pinMode( PullUpC, OUTPUT ) ;
pinMode( PullUpD, OUTPUT ) ;
digitalWrite( PullUpC, HIGH );
digitalWrite( PullUpD, HIGH );

delay(1999) ;

Wire.begin() ;        
Serial.begin(9600) ; 

UpdateFreq(F_OUT) ; 

delay(999) ;

UpdateFreq(F_OUT) ; 

void loop() 

void UpdateFreq( unsigned long long F_OUT) 
// LSDIV IS ALWAYS 1, 0x00


byte Aux = 0x00 ;
unsigned long HSDIV ;
unsigned long XTAL = 152600000 ; // Hz
double FBDIV ;
unsigned long INTEGER ;
unsigned long long FRACTION ;
unsigned long long F_VCO ;
FBDIV = (double)(F_VCO_MIN * 1.0 / F_OUT );
HSDIV = (int)(FBDIV + 0.5) ;  
if ((HSDIV > 32) && (HSDIV % 2)) HSDIV += 1 ;
if (HSDIV < 4) HSDIV = 4 ;
if (HSDIV > 2046) HSDIV = 2046 ;
FBDIV = (double)(F_VCO * 1.0 / XTAL) ;
FRACTION = 4294967295.0 * (double)(FBDIV - INTEGER) ; 
// Get Device Ready for Update
// Set page register to point to page 0
Si564_Write_Byte( 255, 0x00) ;
// Disable FCAL override 
Si564_Write_Byte( 69, 0x00) ;
// Synchronously disable output
Si564_Write_Byte( 17, 0x00) ;
// HSDIV [7:0]
Aux = HSDIV & 0xFF ; 
Si564_Write_Byte( 23, Aux) ;
// LSDIV[2:0]; HSDIV[10:8]
Aux = (HSDIV >> 8) & 0x07 ; 
Si564_Write_Byte( 24, Aux) ;
// FBDIV [7:0]
Aux = FRACTION & 0xFF ; 
Si564_Write_Byte( 26, Aux) ;
// FBDIV [15:8]
Aux = (FRACTION >> 8 ) & 0xFF ; 
Si564_Write_Byte( 27, Aux) ;
// FBDIV [23:16]
Aux = (FRACTION >> 16 ) & 0xFF ; 
Si564_Write_Byte( 28, Aux) ;
// FBDIV [31:24]
Aux = (FRACTION >> 24 ) & 0xFF ; 
Si564_Write_Byte( 29, Aux) ;
// FBDIV [39:32]
Aux = INTEGER & 0xFF ; 
Si564_Write_Byte( 30, Aux) ;
// FBDIV [42:40]
Aux = (INTEGER >> 8 ) & 0x07 ; 
Si564_Write_Byte( 31, Aux) ;
// Start FCAL using new divider values
Si564_Write_Byte( 7, 0x08) ;
// Synchronously enable output
Si564_Write_Byte( 17, 0x01) ;

void Si564_Write_Byte( byte Register, byte Value) 
byte Error = 0x00 ;
Error = Wire.endTransmission();  
SerialHexOutput(Value) ; 
switch (Error) 
case 0 : Serial.println("0:success");
case 1 : Serial.println("1:data too long to fit in transmit buffer");
case 2 : Serial.println("2:received NACK on transmit of address");
case 3 : Serial.println("3:received NACK on transmit of data");
case 4 : Serial.println("4:other error");

void SerialHexOutput(byte value) 
if (value < 0x10) Serial.print("0");

// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

✈ Performance

Test - Setup, we used 2 x 100 mm Multiflex 86 from Huber & Suhner for the connections

To test this thing, we programmed the LO to 500 MHz. The RF source is a SMC100A from Rohde & Schwarz, running at 499 MHz. Level is -17 dBm. The measurements below are made at the IF output of the mixer. With an FSP-3 from Rohde & Schwarz.

Fig. 1 .:. RF & LO - Feedthrough
Fig. 2 .:. IF - downconverted

Fig. 3 .:. IF - upconverted
Fig. 4 .:. My new Measurement Assistant :-)

Fig. 1 .:. RF & LO - Feedthrough

The RF & LO Feedthrough. At the IF output, the LO appears approx. 30 dB attenuated and the RF can be seen approx. 23 dB attenuated.

Fig. 2 .:. IF - downconverted

The downconverted IF has a level of - 25.5 dBm. As we used - 17 dBm for the RF, the conversion loss is about 8.5 dB. This includes the coaxial cables as well as the copper traces of the converter.

Fig. 3 .:. IF - upconverted

The upconverted IF has a level of approx. - 25 dBm. As we used - 17 dBm for the RF, the conversion loss is about 8 dB. This includes the coaxial cables as well as the copper traces of the converter. We can also see the harmonic of the LO at 1000 MHz (-24.56 dBm). And another mixing product at 1001 MHz.

✈ General Advice on Operating RF-Mixers

An RF-Mixer is a 50 Ω component. It is designed to work in a 50 Ω environment. That means that it performs best, when the impedances at the RF-Input and at the IF-Output are 50 Ω. This termination should be as broadband as possible.

It is very likely, that filters are connected to the input / output of this converter. This reduces the termination seen by the mixer to the passband of those filters. Now evil things may happen, as the stopband of the filter is suiteable to reflect frequencies outside back into the mixer. This can be avoided by using reflectionless filters or as a "quick and dirty" hack, 6 dB Attenuators (which match almost anything to 50 Ω).

✈ Credits • Note of Thanks

We would like to thank the staff of Computer Controls AG (Switzerland) for their efforts to supply us (our research group at ETH zürich) with free samples.


Better than Christmas :-)

Better than Birthday and Christmas together :-)

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