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LISN.php    4379 Bytes    06-07-2024 22:05:05

LISN - Line Impedance Stabilization Network

A helper circuit for EMC/EMI precompliance testing

The assembled prototype

✈ Motivation

Reducing the noise of a power supply was the task the student wanted to achieve. On the other hand, some Hameg 5012 were looking for a new job. This inspired me to go for a EMI-Precompliance Test-Setup. As commercial solutions have astronomical price-tags, we went the diy way. And yes, approx. 20 dB cheaper :-)

✈ The Design

The design is similiar to others out there. Depending on the norm, you may want to assemble 10 x 1 µH or 10 x 10 µH or whatever deems suiteable for you. The first Prototype was assembled with 10 x 680 µH and that resulted in the S21 measurement below :

✈ Downloads

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t1 = 6577 d

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