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Dipole_straight.php    6816 Bytes    19-06-2024 16:45:29

Straight Dipole Calculator

To be combined with a Yagi Uda Antenna or used as is.

Dipole, straight

Frequency [MHz]


Length units


Diameter D


Length A

Half Wavelength



The impedance of this antenna is around 50 Ω, so you may want to use a 1 : 1 transformer. Geometry is not that critical. If you want to put this thing outdoors, do not use brass, as it gets brittle.

✈ Verify the Calculations / Results

As with any calculator, we double cross-checked the results. For that, a small pcb was designed. It allows for easy soldering of the rods in a well-defined geometry. As a transformer, we used a ETC1-1-13TR (1:1, 5 MHz - 3 GHz). The rods are made of copper, diameter = 3 mm.

Dipole Adapter in Action

L = 78 mm, F = 820 MHz (Gap = 10 mm)
L = 84 mm, F = 763 MHz (Gap = 10 mm)

It can be seen, that the calculated length's are approx. 5% longer than necessary. We call this tuning-reserve.

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t1 = 6577 d

t2 = 172 ms

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