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Bainter_Notch_Filter.php    10841 Bytes    10-06-2024 17:54:26

Bainter Notch Filter Calculator

• The Q of the circuit depends only on the Gain of the OPAMP
• Notch-depth does not drift with temperature. Tuning with R6
• Easy shifting of Frequency by changing R1
• Lowpass (R4>R3), Notch (R4=R3) and Highpass (R4<R3) characteristic is possible.
• Maybe helpful : find parallel resistors

adubli   Active filter has stable notch and response can be regulated
adubli   Analog Devices Mini Tutorial No 203

Circuit Diagram :

Bainter Notch Filter

Calculations :

Center Frequency
C1, C2
R1, R2
R3, R4
R5, R6

Transfer Function :

Bainter Notch Filter Transfer Function

Simulations :

Simulations were done using TARGET 3001. Center Frequency : 1000 Hz

Parts used in Simulation :


Target 3001 FileBainter_Notch_Filter.T3001

 R1,R2 = 1 kΩ
 R3,R4 = 79.58 Ω
 R5,R6 = 31.8 kΩ
 C1,C2 = 100 nF
 Q = 10
 B = 100 Hz

 R1,R2 = 1 kΩ
 R3,R4 = 159 Ω
 R5,R6 = 15.9 kΩ
 C1,C2 = 100 nF
 Q = 5
 B = 200 Hz

 R1,R2 = 1 kΩ
 R3,R4 = 397.9 Ω
 R5,R6 = 6366 Ω
 C1,C2 = 100 nF
 Q = 2
 B = 500 Hz

 R1,R2 = 1 kΩ
 R3,R4 = 795.8 Ω
 R5,R6 = 3183 Ω
 C1,C2 = 100 nF
 Q = 1
 B = 1000 Hz

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t1 = 6577 d

t2 = 138 ms

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