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Arduino-Shield-CHULA.php   5555 Bytes    23-10-2019 23:10:19

Arduino/Genuino DIY SHF Synthesizer "TERAMOD"

Shield "CHULA", in memoriam King Chulalongkorn of Siam

This is a shield to generate super high frequencies with the LMX2594. Together with a step attenuator and an amplifier this makes a great synthesizer. From 2 GHz up to 15 GHz.

Arduino Shield CHULA - Synthesizer 'Teramod'

And yes, we are bold enough to approach this project with FR4. (4-Layer). This design mostly uses 0402 components. If you don't have a microscope, replication is going to be very hard. The above picture shows the FuMu (Funktionsmuster), Version 2.5

✈ The building Blocks • Functional Description

Arduino Shield CHULA (Block Diagram)

The mastermind of this design is of course the Arduino Nano Every. It handles the user input from the rotary encoder and displays the status on the 128 x 64 px oled display. The Nano also programs the LMX2594 (VCO/PLL), which is the workhorse of this generator.

The LMX2594 has 2 differential outputs which are almost identical. We need only one, and from this one only a single output, as broadband transformers for this frequency range are extremely hard to find. (We are in the year 2019 :-)

Directly after the LMX2594 is an attenuator (HMC939, 1.0 dB LSB GaAs MMIC 5-BIT DIGITAL ATTENUATOR, 0.1 - 33 GHz). As the name suggests, it is from Hittite/Analog Devices.

Finally an amplifier (HMC462 from Hittite/Analog Devices) shall increase the signal level to +10 dBm. This amplifier has the advantage, that the bias is built in already. Unfortunately this limits also the output frequency range, as the minimum frequency is 2 GHz. See "Hints" for more information.

The device is equipped with a VCXO running at 100 MHz. It needs a stable 10 MHz at the rear BNC connector. In case that is not provided, the VCXO runs at 99.997058 MHz. As the Lock-Status is monitored by the Arduino, one could compensate for that. We don't do that. We lock it.

The device is powered by a 9 V, 800 mA Plug-in power supply.

Specifications :

Frequency Range1.999 GHz to 9.999 GHz
Resolution1 Hz (datasheet says 47 mHz is possible, but the display says 1 Hz is enough)
Output Power-20 ... +10 dBm, in 1 dB steps
DC supply voltage9 V ... 19 V, less than 999 mA

✈ The workhorse : LMX2594

Inside the LMX2594 VCO/PLL

Inside the chip, courtesy of Texas Instruments

"The LMX2594 is a high-performance, wideband frequency synthesizer with integrated VCO and output divider. The VCO operates from 7.5 GHz to 15 GHz, and this can be combined with the output divider to produce any frequency in the range of 10 MHz to 15 GHz. Within the input path, there are two dividers and a multiplier for flexible frequency planning. The multiplier also allows the reduction of spurs by moving the frequencies away from the integer boundary. The PLL is fractional-N PLL with a programmable delta-sigma modulator up to 4th order. The fractional denominator is a programmable 32-bit long, which can easily provide fine frequency steps below 1-Hz resolution". Says the datasheet.

✈ Assembly

Assembly of the Synthesiser 'Teramod'

Inside the case of the Synthesizer "TERAMOD" : the shield "Chula".

Front view of the Synthesiser 'Teramod'

Front view of the Synthesiser "TERAMOD", the colour was actually more pink ...

✈ Downloads

✈ Arduino Sketch - The Code

Double click on code to select ...

/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
ARDUINO/Genuino Due Sketch for "CHULA", Project "TERAMOD"
LMX2594 2...15 GHz Wideband PLLATINUM™ RF Synthesizer
Lower limit defined by amplifier, HMC462 from Hittite/Analog Devices
Software Version 5.1
28.07.2019, Alexander Sse Frank
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <Adafruit_SH1106.h>

#define OLED_MOSI  7
#define OLED_CLK   8
#define OLED_DC    5
#define OLED_CS    4
#define OLED_RESET 6

bool ShowCursor = true ;
int CursorPos = 5 ;   // V2.0
int DisplayMode = 1 ;
bool locked = false ;
const int LockPin = A7 ;

#if (SH1106_LCDHEIGHT != 64)
#error("Height incorrect, please fix Adafruit_SH1106.h!");


const int RotaryEncoder1 = A0 ;   // PRESSED
const int RotaryEncoder2 = 2 ;
const int RotaryEncoder3 = 3 ;

volatile bool LEFT = false ;
volatile bool RIGHT = false ;
volatile bool READY = true ;

// LMX2594 PINs

const int CLK = A3 ;
const int DATA = A2 ;
const int CS = A1 ;

int payload = 0x0000 ;
int Reg[79] ;

// Frequency "Nibbles"
// F = 6.834'82'610'904'299 GHz
int Giga = 6 ;  
int Mega = 834 ;   
int Kilo = 682 ;
int Hertz = 610 ;
int Milli = 904 ;
int Micro = 299 ;

unsigned long LowNibble ; 
unsigned long HighNibble ; 

// Remote / Local
bool IsLocal = true ;

// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// A M P L I T U D E
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

const int AttPin0 = 13 ;
const int AttPin1 = 12 ;
const int AttPin2 = 11 ;
const int AttPin3 = 10 ;
const int AttPin4 = 9 ;

// Power
const int LevelMax = 10 ;   // Smallest value from List below
const int LevelMin = -21 ;  // Largest value from list below minus 31 dB
int Level = 7 ;

// AvailPow[5] is for 5 GHz, AvailPow[6] is for 6 GHz, ...
const int AvailPow[16] = {10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10} ;

void SetAttenuator(int AttAtt) 
  if(AttAtt & 0x01) digitalWrite(AttPin0, LOW) ;  // 1 dB
  else digitalWrite(AttPin0, HIGH) ;            // 0 dB
  if(AttAtt & 0x02) digitalWrite(AttPin1, LOW) ;  // 2 dB
  else digitalWrite(AttPin1, HIGH) ;            // 0 dB
  if(AttAtt & 0x04) digitalWrite(AttPin2, LOW) ;  // 4 dB
  else digitalWrite(AttPin2, HIGH) ;            // 0 dB
  if(AttAtt & 0x08) digitalWrite(AttPin3, LOW) ;  // 8 dB
  else digitalWrite(AttPin3, HIGH) ;            // 0 dB
  if(AttAtt & 0x10) digitalWrite(AttPin4, LOW) ;  // 16 dB
  else digitalWrite(AttPin4, HIGH) ;            // 0 dB 

void IncreaseLEVEL() 
  Level += 1 ;
  if(Level > LevelMax) Level = LevelMax ;
  // Necessary Attenuation :
  SetAttenuator(AvailPow[Giga] - Level) ;

void DecreaseLEVEL() 
  Level -= 1 ;
  if(Level < LevelMin) Level = LevelMin ;
  // Necessary Attenuation :
  SetAttenuator(AvailPow[Giga] - Level) ;

// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void WriteLMX2594(byte adr, int payload) 
  int LoByte = payload & 0xFF ;
  int HiByte = (payload & 0xFF00) >> 8 ;
  digitalWrite(CS, LOW);
  shiftOut(DATA, CLK, MSBFIRST, adr) ;
  shiftOut(DATA, CLK, MSBFIRST, HiByte) ;
  shiftOut(DATA, CLK, MSBFIRST, LoByte) ;
  digitalWrite(CS, HIGH);

void UpdateFREQ() 
  // The recommended sequence for changing frequencies is as:
  // 1. Change the N-divider value.
  // 2. Program the PLL numerator and denominator.
  // 3. Program FCAL_EN (R0[3]) = 1.
  // F_MIN          F_MAX             Multi    OUT_MUX   CHDIV[4:0]      
  // 7'500"000'000  15'000"000'000    1        VCO       0
  // 3'750"000'000   7'499"999'999    2        CH_DIV    1
  // 2'000"000'000   3'749"999'999    4        CH_DIV    2
  char Freq[11] ;
  int VCO[11] ;
  int carry[11] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} ;
  sprintf(Freq, "%02d%03d%03d%03d", Giga, Mega, Kilo, Hertz) ;
  int Multi = 1 ;
  if((Giga * 1000 + Mega) < 7500) Multi = 2 ;
  if((Giga * 1000 + Mega) < 3750) Multi = 4 ;
  int digit ;
  for(int i=10; i>=0; i--)
      digit = Freq[i] - 48 ;
      digit = digit * Multi + carry[i] ;
      carry[i-1] = digit / 10 ;      
      digit = digit - carry[i-1] * 10 ;
      VCO[i] = digit ;
  unsigned long GanzZahl = VCO[0]*100 + VCO[1]*10 + VCO[2] ;
  unsigned long Nenner = 100000000 ;  
  unsigned long Zaehler = 0 ;
  Zaehler += VCO[3]*10000000 ;
  Zaehler += VCO[4]*1000000 ;
  Zaehler += VCO[5]*100000 ;
  Zaehler += VCO[6]*10000 ;
  Zaehler += VCO[7]*1000 ;
  Zaehler += VCO[8]*100 ;
  Zaehler += VCO[9]*10 ;
  Zaehler += VCO[10] ;
  if(Multi == 1)         // 7'500 - 15'000 MHz
    Reg[75] = 0x0800 ;   // CHANNEL DIVIDER :2
    Reg[45] = 0xC8C0 ;   // SOURCE = VCO DIRECT
    Reg[31] = 0x03EC ;   // DISABLE CHANNEL DIVIDER
  if(Multi == 2)         // 3'750 - 7'499 MHz
    Reg[75] = 0x0800 ;   // CHANNEL DIVIDER :2
    Reg[45] = 0xC0C0 ;   // SOURCE = CHANNEL DIVIDER
    Reg[31] = 0x03EC ;   // DISABLE CHANNEL DIVIDER
  if(Multi == 4)         // 2'000 - 3'749 MHz
    Reg[75] = 0x0840 ;   // CHANNEL DIVIDER :4
    Reg[45] = 0xC0C0 ;   // SOURCE = CHANNEL DIVIDER
    Reg[31] = 0x43EC ;   // Enable driver buffer for CHDIV > 2
  Reg[36] = GanzZahl & 0xFFFF ;
  // PLL_DEN
  Reg[38] = ( Nenner & 0xFFFF0000 ) >> 16 ;
  Reg[39] = Nenner & 0xFFFF ;
  // PLL_NUM
  Reg[42] = ( Zaehler & 0xFFFF0000 ) >> 16 ;
  Reg[43] = Zaehler & 0xFFFF ;
  WriteLMX2594( 36, Reg[36] ) ;
  WriteLMX2594( 38, Reg[38] ) ;
  WriteLMX2594( 39, Reg[39] ) ;
  WriteLMX2594( 42, Reg[42] ) ;
  WriteLMX2594( 43, Reg[43] ) ;
  WriteLMX2594( 0,(Reg[0] | 0x08)) ;
  WriteLMX2594( 75, Reg[75] ) ;
  WriteLMX2594( 45, Reg[45] ) ;
  WriteLMX2594( 31, Reg[31] ) ;

void InitLMX2594() 
  // R0 – R78 need to be programmed for all scenarios. 
  // NOT USED : R107 – R112 Readback
  // NOT USED : R79 – R106 Ramping 
  Reg[78] = 0x0003 ;
  Reg[77] = 0x0000 ;  // FIXED
  Reg[76] = 0x000C ;  // FIXED
  Reg[75] = 0x0880 ;  // CHDIV
  Reg[74] = 0x0000 ;
  Reg[73] = 0x003F ;
  Reg[72] = 0x0001 ;
  Reg[71] = 0x0081 ;
  Reg[70] = 0xC350 ;
  Reg[69] = 0x0000 ;
  Reg[68] = 0x03E8 ;  // FIXED
  Reg[67] = 0x0000 ;  // FIXED
  Reg[66] = 0x01F4 ;  // FIXED
  Reg[65] = 0x0000 ;  // FIXED
  Reg[64] = 0x1388 ;  // FIXED
  Reg[63] = 0x0000 ;  // FIXED
  Reg[62] = 0x0322 ;  // FIXED
  Reg[61] = 0x00A8 ;  // FIXED
  Reg[60] = 0x0000 ;
  Reg[59] = 0x0001 ;
  Reg[58] = 0x8001 ;
  Reg[57] = 0x0020 ;  // FIXED
  Reg[56] = 0x0000 ;  // FIXED
  Reg[55] = 0x0000 ;  // FIXED
  Reg[54] = 0x0000 ;  // FIXED
  Reg[53] = 0x0000 ;  // FIXED
  Reg[52] = 0x0820 ;  // FIXED
  Reg[51] = 0x0080 ;  // FIXED
  Reg[50] = 0x0000 ;  // FIXED
  Reg[49] = 0x4180 ;  // FIXED
  Reg[48] = 0x0300 ;  // FIXED
  Reg[47] = 0x0300 ;  // FIXED
  Reg[46] = 0x07FD ;  // FOR LOW CURRENT OUTB_MUX = VCO
  Reg[45] = 0xC0C0 ;
  Reg[44] = 0x0FA3 ;  // OUT A ACTIVE, OUT B OFF, MASH = 3
  Reg[43] = 0x0000 ;
  Reg[42] = 0x0000 ;
  Reg[41] = 0x0000 ;
  Reg[40] = 0x0000 ;
  Reg[39] = 0x03E8 ;
  Reg[38] = 0x0000 ;
  Reg[37] = 0x0404 ;
  Reg[36] = 0x0048 ;
  Reg[35] = 0x0004 ;  // FIXED
  Reg[34] = 0x0000 ;  // PLL_N[18:16]
  Reg[33] = 0x1E21 ;  // FIXED
  Reg[32] = 0x0393 ;  // FIXED
  Reg[31] = 0x43EC ;
  Reg[30] = 0x318C ;  // FIXED
  Reg[29] = 0x318C ;  // FIXED
  Reg[28] = 0x0488 ;  // FIXED
  Reg[27] = 0x0002 ;  // FIXED
  Reg[26] = 0x0DB0 ;  // FIXED
  Reg[25] = 0x0C2B ;  // FIXED
  Reg[24] = 0x071A ;  // FIXED
  Reg[23] = 0x007C ;  // FIXED
  Reg[22] = 0x0001 ;  // FIXED
  Reg[21] = 0x0401 ;  // FIXED
  Reg[20] = 0xE048 ;
  Reg[19] = 0x27B7 ;
  Reg[18] = 0x0064 ;  // FIXED
  Reg[17] = 0x012C ;
  Reg[16] = 0x0080 ;
  Reg[15] = 0x064F ;  // FIXED
  Reg[14] = 0x1E70 ;
  Reg[13] = 0x4000 ;  // FIXED
  Reg[12] = 0x5001 ;
  Reg[11] = 0x0018 ;
  Reg[10] = 0x10D8 ;
  Reg[9]  = 0x0604 ;  // DOUBLER = OFF, OSC_2X = 0
  Reg[8]  = 0x2000 ;  //
  Reg[7]  = 0x40B2 ;  //
  Reg[6]  = 0xC802 ;  // FIXED
  Reg[5]  = 0x00C8 ;  // FIXED
  Reg[4]  = 0x0A43 ;  // ACAL_CMP_DLY
  Reg[3]  = 0x0642 ;  // FIXED
  Reg[2]  = 0x0500 ;  // FIXED
  Reg[1]  = 0x0808 ;  // CAL_CLK_DIV
  Reg[0]  = 0x251C ;  // Fpfd <= 200 MHz
  // Recommended Initial Power-Up Sequence
  // For the most reliable programming, TI recommends this procedure:
  // 1. Apply power to device.
  // 2. Program RESET = 1 to reset registers.
  WriteLMX2594( 0x00, (Reg[0] | 0x02) ) ;
  // 3. Program RESET = 0 to remove reset.
  WriteLMX2594( 0x00, (Reg[0] & 0xFD) ) ;
  // 4. Program registers as shown in the register map in REVERSE order
  for (int i = 79 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
    WriteLMX2594( i, Reg[i] ) ;
  // 5. Wait 10 ms.
  delay(10) ;
  // 6. Program register R0 one additional time with FCAL_EN = 1 to 
  // ensure that the VCO calibration runs from a stable state.
  WriteLMX2594( 0x00, (Reg[0] | 0x08) ) ;  

void DecreaseFREQ() 
  // Subract "1" and handle the Carry-Over
  // int CursorPosition
  // Giga (0,1), Mega (2,3,4), Kilo (5,6,7), Hertz (8,9,10)
  if(CursorPos == 10) Hertz -= 1 ;
  if(CursorPos == 9) Hertz -= 10 ;
  if(CursorPos == 8) Hertz -= 100 ;
  if(Hertz < 0)
    Hertz += 1000 ;
    Kilo -= 1 ;
  if(CursorPos == 7) Kilo -= 1 ;
  if(CursorPos == 6) Kilo -= 10 ;
  if(CursorPos == 5) Kilo -= 100 ;
  if(Kilo < 0)
    Kilo += 1000 ;
    Mega -= 1 ;
  if(CursorPos == 4) Mega -= 1 ;
  if(CursorPos == 3) Mega -= 10 ;
  if(CursorPos == 2) Mega -= 100 ;
  if(Mega < 0)
    Mega += 1000 ;
    Giga -= 1 ;
  if(CursorPos == 1) Giga -= 1 ;
  if(CursorPos == 0) Giga -= 10 ;
  if(Giga < 2)
    Giga = 2 ; Mega = 0 ; Kilo = 0 ; Hertz = 0 ;
  UpdateFREQ() ; 

void IncreaseFREQ() 
  // Add "1" and handle the Carry-Over
  // int CursorPosition
  // Giga (0,1), Mega (2,3,4), Kilo (5,6,7), Hertz (8,9,10)
  if(CursorPos == 10) Hertz += 1 ;
  if(CursorPos == 9) Hertz += 10 ;
  if(CursorPos == 8) Hertz += 100 ;
  if(Hertz >= 1000)
    Hertz -= 1000 ;
    Kilo += 1 ;
  if(CursorPos == 7) Kilo += 1 ;
  if(CursorPos == 6) Kilo += 10 ;
  if(CursorPos == 5) Kilo += 100 ;
  if(Kilo >= 1000)
    Kilo -= 1000 ;
    Mega += 1 ;
  if(CursorPos == 4) Mega += 1 ;
  if(CursorPos == 3) Mega += 10 ;
  if(CursorPos == 2) Mega += 100 ;
  if(Mega >= 1000)
    Mega -= 1000 ;
    Giga += 1 ;
  if(CursorPos == 1) Giga += 1 ;
  if(CursorPos == 0) Giga += 10 ;
  if(Giga >= 15)
    Giga = 15 ; Mega = 0 ; Kilo = 0 ; Hertz = 0 ;
  UpdateFREQ() ;

// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// D I S P L A Y
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

const int SupplyPin = A6 ;  // INPUT
const float SupplyFactor = (50.0 * 5.0) / (3.0 * 1023) ;
float SupplyVoltage = 0.0 ;
const int MaxSupplyBuffPoint = 32 ;
float SupplyBuff[MaxSupplyBuffPoint+1] ;       
int SupplyBuffPoint = 0 ;

void ReadSupply()
  float SupplyBuffSum = 0.0 ;
  SupplyBuffPoint += 1 ;
  if(SupplyBuffPoint > MaxSupplyBuffPoint) SupplyBuffPoint = 0 ;
  SupplyBuff[SupplyBuffPoint]=analogRead(SupplyPin)*SupplyFactor ;
  SupplyBuffSum = 0.0 ;
  for(int i = 0 ; i < MaxSupplyBuffPoint; i++)
    SupplyBuffSum += SupplyBuff[i] ;
  SupplyVoltage = SupplyBuffSum / MaxSupplyBuffPoint ; 
  // Serial.println(SupplyVoltage,3); 

void UpdateDisplay()
  int off = 0;
  char Freq[11] ; // INCLUDES THE GHz
  int x, y ;
  display.clearDisplay() ;
  display.setTextSize(1) ;
  display.setTextColor(WHITE) ;
  display.setCursor(74,0); display.print("TERAMOD 5") ;
  display.drawLine(0, 12, 128, 12, WHITE) ;
  // /////////////////////////////////////////////
  // MENU
  // /////////////////////////////////////////////
  display.drawLine(0, 39, 128, 39, WHITE) ;
  display.drawLine(0, 63, 128, 63, WHITE) ;
  display.drawLine(0, 39, 0, 63, WHITE) ;
  display.drawLine(127, 39, 127, 63, WHITE) ;
  display.drawLine(10, 39, 10, 63, WHITE) ;
  display.drawLine(0, 45, 10, 45, WHITE) ;
  display.drawLine(0, 51, 10, 51, WHITE) ;
  display.drawLine(0, 57, 10, 57, WHITE) ;
  display.setTextSize(2) ;
  // /////////////////////////////////////////////
  // /////////////////////////////////////////////
  if(DisplayMode == 1) 
  display.fillRect(2, 41, 7, 3, WHITE) ;
  display.setCursor(20, 44) ;
  display.setTextSize(2) ;
  display.print("FREQ") ;
  if(Giga > 9)
    display.setTextSize(1) ;
    display.setCursor(102, 43) ;
    display.println("+10") ;
    display.setCursor(102, 53) ;
    display.print("GHz") ;
  display.setCursor(0, 17) ;
  sprintf(Freq, "%02d%03d%03d%03d", Giga, Mega, Kilo, Hertz) ;
  display.setTextSize(2) ;
  for (int i=1; i<11; i++)
    if (i>=1) off = 0;
    if (i>=2) off = 5;
    if (i>=5) off = 10;
    if (i>=8) off = 15;
    if ((ShowCursor) && (CursorPos == i))
      display.setCursor((i-1)*11+off,25) ;
      display.print("_") ;
    if ((!ShowCursor) && (CursorPos == i))
      x = (i-1)*11+off ;
      y = 39 ; 
      display.fillTriangle(x, y, x+10, y, x+5, y-4, WHITE);
  // /////////////////////////////////////////////
  // /////////////////////////////////////////////
  if(DisplayMode == 2) 
  char Amplitude[4] ;
  sprintf(Amplitude, "%2d", abs(Level) ) ;
  display.fillRect(2, 47, 7, 3, WHITE) ;
  display.setCursor(20, 44) ;
  display.setTextSize(2) ;
  display.print("LEVEL") ;
  display.setCursor(17,20) ;
  if (Level > 0) display.print("+") ;
  if (Level == 0) display.print(" ") ;
  if (Level < 0) display.print("-") ;
  display.print(Amplitude[0]) ;
  display.print(Amplitude[1]) ;  
  display.print(".0 dBm ") ;
    display.setCursor(17,25) ;
    display.print("  _");
    x = 41 ;
    y = 39 ; 
    display.fillTriangle(x, y, x+10, y, x+5, y-4, WHITE);
  // /////////////////////////////////////////////
  // /////////////////////////////////////////////
  if(DisplayMode == 3) 
  locked = digitalRead(LockPin) ;
  display.fillRect(2, 53, 7, 3, WHITE) ;
  display.setTextSize(2) ;
      display.setCursor(29,20) ;
      display.print("LOCKED") ;
      display.setTextSize(1) ;
      display.setCursor(20, 43) ;
      display.println("HMMMM LOOKS") ;
      display.setCursor(20, 53) ;
      display.print("FINE ...") ;
      display.setCursor(17,20) ;
      display.print("UNLOCKED") ;
      display.setTextSize(1) ;
      display.setCursor(20, 43) ;
      display.println("CHECK REAR BNC") ;
      display.setCursor(20, 53) ;
      display.print("CONNECTOR ...") ;
  // /////////////////////////////////////////////
  // /////////////////////////////////////////////
  if(DisplayMode == 4) 
  display.fillRect(2, 59, 7, 3, WHITE) ;
  display.setCursor(20, 44) ;
  display.setTextSize(2) ;
    display.setCursor(37,20) ;
    display.print("LOCAL") ;
    display.setCursor(27,20) ;
    display.print("REMOTE") ;
  display.setTextSize(1) ;
  display.setCursor(20, 43) ;
  display.println("PRESS KNOB TO") ;
  display.setCursor(20, 53) ;
  display.print("CHANGE THAT ...") ;

  display.setTextSize(1) ;  
  ReadSupply() ;
  display.drawRect(40, 1, 18, 7, WHITE) ; 
  display.drawRect(58, 2, 2, 5, WHITE) ; 
  display.fillRect(57, 3, 2, 3, BLACK) ; 
  if(SupplyVoltage >= 9.0) display.fillRect(42, 3, 2, 3, WHITE) ; 
  if(SupplyVoltage >= 11.0) display.fillRect(45, 3, 2, 3, WHITE) ;
  if(SupplyVoltage >= 13.0) display.fillRect(48, 3, 2, 3, WHITE) ;
  if(SupplyVoltage >= 15.0) display.fillRect(51, 3, 2, 3, WHITE) ;
  if(SupplyVoltage >= 17.0) display.fillRect(54, 3, 2, 3, WHITE) ;
  display.setCursor(0, 0) ;
  if(SupplyVoltage < 10.0) display.print(" ") ;
  display.print(SupplyVoltage,2) ; 
  display.display() ;

// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// S E T U P
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void setup() 
  pinMode(CS, OUTPUT) ;
  pinMode(CLK, OUTPUT) ;
  pinMode(DATA, OUTPUT) ;

  pinMode(AttPin0, OUTPUT) ;
  pinMode(AttPin1, OUTPUT) ;
  pinMode(AttPin2, OUTPUT) ;
  pinMode(AttPin3, OUTPUT) ;
  pinMode(AttPin4, OUTPUT) ;

  digitalWrite(CS, HIGH) ;

  pinMode(LockPin, INPUT_PULLUP) ;

  InitLMX2594() ;

  SetAttenuator(AvailPow[Giga] - Level) ;

  UpdateFREQ() ;

  RotaryEncoderISR2, FALLING);
  // GREEN
  RotaryEncoderISR3, FALLING);

  display.println("*****  TERAMOD  *****");
  display.drawLine(0, 12, 128, 12, WHITE);
  display.println("A SHF SYNTHESIZER");
  display.println("WITH THE LMX 2594.");
  display.println("I.M. CHULALONGKORN.");
  display.println("BUILT 23.10.2021");
  delay(999) ;

  UpdateDisplay() ;

// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// M A I N 
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void loop() 
  // //////////////////////////////////
  // //////////////////////////////////
      CursorPos -= 1 ;
      if(CursorPos < 1) CursorPos = 16 ;
      if(CursorPos == 11) CursorPos = 10 ;
      if(CursorPos == 14) CursorPos = 11 ;
      if((CursorPos > 0 ) && (CursorPos < 11)) DisplayMode = 1 ;
      if((CursorPos > 10) && (CursorPos < 15)) DisplayMode = 2 ;
      if(CursorPos == 15) DisplayMode = 3 ;
      if(CursorPos == 16) DisplayMode = 4 ;
      // Serial.println(CursorPos,DEC);
        case 0 : DecreaseFREQ() ; break ;
        case 1 : DecreaseFREQ() ; break ;
        case 2 : DecreaseFREQ() ; break ;
        case 3 : DecreaseFREQ() ; break ;
        case 4 : DecreaseFREQ() ; break ;
        case 5 : DecreaseFREQ() ; break ;
        case 6 : DecreaseFREQ() ; break ;
        case 7 : DecreaseFREQ() ; break ;
        case 8 : DecreaseFREQ() ; break ;
        case 9 : DecreaseFREQ() ; break ;
        case 10: DecreaseFREQ() ; break ;
        case 12: DecreaseLEVEL() ; break ;
    delay(159) ;
    READY = true ;
    LEFT = false ;
    RIGHT = false ;
  // //////////////////////////////////
  // //////////////////////////////////
      CursorPos += 1 ;
      if(CursorPos > 16) CursorPos = 1 ;
      if(CursorPos == 11) CursorPos = 12 ;
      if(CursorPos == 13) CursorPos = 15 ;
      if((CursorPos > 0 ) && (CursorPos < 11)) DisplayMode = 1 ;
      if((CursorPos > 10) && (CursorPos < 15)) DisplayMode = 2 ;
      if(CursorPos == 15) DisplayMode = 3 ;
      if(CursorPos == 16) DisplayMode = 4 ;
      // Serial.println(CursorPos,DEC);
        case 0 : IncreaseFREQ() ; break ;
        case 1 : IncreaseFREQ() ; break ;
        case 2 : IncreaseFREQ() ; break ;
        case 3 : IncreaseFREQ() ; break ;
        case 4 : IncreaseFREQ() ; break ;
        case 5 : IncreaseFREQ() ; break ;
        case 6 : IncreaseFREQ() ; break ;
        case 7 : IncreaseFREQ() ; break ;
        case 8 : IncreaseFREQ() ; break ;
        case 9 : IncreaseFREQ() ; break ;
        case 10: IncreaseFREQ() ; break ;
        case 12: IncreaseLEVEL() ; break ;
    delay(159) ;
    READY = true ;
    LEFT = false ;
    RIGHT = false ;

  // //////////////////////////////////
  // //////////////////////////////////
      ShowCursor =!ShowCursor ;
      delay(199) ;

  UpdateDisplay() ;
  delay(9) ;

// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void RotaryEncoderISR2()
  LEFT = false ;
  RIGHT = false ;
  byte autre = digitalRead(RotaryEncoder3) ;
  if (autre > 0) RIGHT = true ;
  if (autre < 1) LEFT = true ;
void RotaryEncoderISR3()
  // GREEN
  LEFT = false ;
  RIGHT = false ;
  byte autre = digitalRead(RotaryEncoder2) ;
  if (autre > 0) LEFT = true ;
  if (autre < 1) RIGHT = true ;
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

✈ The Menue

Frequency, displayed in Hz
Level, dBm

Lockstatus, 10 MHz
Remote / Local (future use)

In case the cursor is an underscore, rotating the knob (rotary encoder) will move the cursor through all the decimal places / menues. If you press the knob, the underscore will change into an arrow, indicating that rotating the knob will now change the digit / setting.

✈ Performance


The output at 6.834682610904299 GHz is + 6 dBm (measured with Spike® from Signal Hound)

✈ Reference Clock

The Manual for the Evaluation Board from TI suggests to use a Reference with a Noise level of –139 dBc/Hz at an Offset of 100 Hz. That is challenging. ($$$). We used a VCXO from Abracon (ABLNO-V-100.000MHZ-T2) which offers -118 dBc/Hz at 100 Hz Offset. (Digi-key, CHF 12, 2021). Feel free to change that in your design ...

✈ Hints

The output range spans from 2 GHz up to 15 GHz. This limitation mainly comes from the final amplifier. We use a HMC462LP5E from Analog Devices (2 GHz to 20 GHz). This one costs about CHF 147.- (Digi-Key, 07/2019). A similiar device is the HMC460 (DC to 20 GHz), but this one costs CHF 2786.- (Digi-Key, 07/2019). That is approximately 23 dB more and slightly over budget :-)

FR4 is not nice when operating at frequencies larger than 3 GHz. If you go up in frequency, attenuation increases. Even the coaxial cable introduces 3 dB !!!

23rd of October is Chula Memorial Day

✈ Share your thoughts

The webmaster does not read these comments regularely. Urgent questions should be send via email. Ads or links to completely uncorrelated things will be removed.

Your Browser says that you allow tracking. Mayst we suggest that you check that DNT thing ?

t1 = 6577 d

t2 = 241 ms

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