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Arduino-Rotormod-TX.php    6233 Bytes    04-06-2024 20:39:33

Arduino Rotormod (TX)

An Arduino based DiSEqC™ Controller

✈ Notes

This 'Mod' is almost equal to the design 'DiSEqC™ satellite rotor controller for 2 rotors' of my colleague Mr. Christian Monstein, HB9SCT. It is replicated here with permission.

You can find the original documentation here.

This is an Interface to control up to two satellite - rotors based on DiSEqC™ - control sequences. The Interface is connected via a USB - cable to a notebook or PC. By that, Azimut and Altitude of an Antenna can be controlled. This is intended for the Project Callisto, serving the e-callisto network.

We use it here to control an Antenna (Azimut only) in an Antenna Measurement Setup. The second unit is the Arduino Rotormod (RX), which controls a rotating Antenna, fed by a Mobile Emitter.

✈ Downloads

✈ What's all this DiSEqC™ stuff, anyhow ?

DiSEqC™ means Digital Satellite Equipment Control. It was developped by EUTELSAT. A 22 kHz carrier, modulated with ASK, is used to send messages to devices connected via the 'main' Signal Cable.

A logic '1' is represented by a 0.5 ms burst, followed by a 1 ms pause, whilst a logic '0' is represented by a 1 ms burst followed by a 0.5 ms pause. So each Bit lasts 1.5 ms.

8 Bits form a Byte, followed by one parity Bit. Usually, a command consists of 3 ... 4 Bytes. The first byte is called the 'Framing Byte', the second is an 'Address Byte', followed by the 'Command Byte', and, if necessary, followed by a 'Data Byte'. The end of each command string is detected by a pause in the 22 kHz carrier.

Among the signallig via the 22 kHz Burst, a Supply Voltage of 14 V / 18 V is used to switch between the horizontal or vertical Antenna. This voltage is also used as a Supply of the LNB.

✈ How this mayst look on a Scope

This is how the Command azi99.9 looks like ... 1-1-1-0-0-0-0 ...

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t1 = 6577 d

t2 = 260 ms

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