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Education System in Thailand

In the early days of Thai history, education evolved around temples and royal courts. Buddhist monks gave basic education to boys in classes set within temple compound. Children of the royal household and noble families were educated at royal courts. The rest of Thai society was made up of farmers, who didn't require literacy.

During the reign of King Rama V (1863-1910 A.D.) the country bureaucracy has increased and there was a need for educated people. With the issue in 1898 of the Education Proclamation, Thai education system has been modernised and made accessible to all people.

The current system of formal education consists of four levels of education:

1) อนุบาล .:. Kindergarten

อนุบาล ๑ and อนุบาล ๒

• Thai children start to learn the alphabet.
• age : 4 to 6 years

Kindergarten, typically wear red colour

2) ประถม .:. Primary school

ประถม ๑ to ประถม ๖ (6 years)

• Thai children children start learning simple words, sentences, reading, writing, poetry.
• age : 7 to 13 years

3) มัธยม .:. Secondary school

มัธยม ๑ to มัธยม ๖ (6 years)

• students study Thai literature, types of words, poetry, long sound words.
• age : 13 to 19 years

Students of secondary school level, near Sanam Luang
Students of secondary school level, near Sanam Luang

4) มหาวิทยาลัย .:. University

(4 years)

• students study their subject in depth
• age : 18 to 22 years

There are more than 20 state universities and over 30 privately operated universities and colleges. Education at this level copes with thousands of secondary school graduates wishing to continue their further studies.

Students of secondary school level, near Sanam Luang
Diploma, handed out by a member of the Royal Family


In Thailand, there are three major government agencies responsible for education:

• the National Education Commission is responsible for the educational policies, planning and research at the national level,

• the Ministry of Education is responsible for the provision of basic education nationwide, while

• the Ministry of University Affairs is responsible for the management of state universities.

Non-Formal Education

Non-formal education, including adult education, was introduced in Thailand as an attempt to provide education for those who miss schooling opportunities. Educational programmes offered emphasize basic education, news and information literacy and vocational skills training which are available throughout the country.

Special training services are also provided for disadvantaged groups in urban and rural areas who require skills to earn their living and make them active contributors to society.


In european countries, not so talented students are "encouraged" to repeat one class. As this would result in a "loss of face" they are encouraged to learn better - and promoted anyway.

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