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Siam - Swiss Centenary • 17th of May, 1997

The Growth of a Friendship


Siam Swiss Centenary


To commemorate the 100 th Aniversary of the Visit to Switzerland of King Chulalongkorn
(King Rama V) of Siam

Date / Place

17 th of May 1997, Bern, Switzerland

One hundred years ago, when Siam was being threatened by the Western colonial powers, His Majesty King Rama V of Siam (King Chulalongkorn) embarked on a trip to Europe to visit 14 countries as official guest of their leaders and monarchs. The 8 month long journey ( 7 th of April - 17 th of December 1897 ), the first ever visit to the western world of a Thai Monarch, ws ostensibly a manifestation of King Chulalongkorn's vision for natural development and diplomacy. The trip had consequently contributed in no small measures to the modernistion of Siam and to the maintenanceof the country's sovereignty and independance.

On 17 th - 31 st of May 1897, H.M. King Chulalongkorn visited Switzerland where he was warmly received by its leaders and people. The welcoming ceremony in Bern was particularly spectacular as thousands of people lined the streets to greet the Royal procession. All through the 15 days in Switzerland the King's activities were closely followed by the curious local press. A Swiss journal 'La patrie Suisse' described H.M. King Chulalongkorn as 'un monarque intelligent, généreux et liberal' who had a mild manner with an elegant look and a firm steady stride.

Siam Swiss Centenary - ร้อยปีสยาม-สวิตเซอร์แลนด์

Arrival of Royal procession at Bernerhof, 25 th of May 1897

Siam Swiss Centenary - ร้อยปีสยาม-สวิตเซอร์แลนด์

List of the Siamese partipipants at the 25 may 1987 State Visit [Swiss Federal Archives]

Siam Swiss Centenary - ร้อยปีสยาม-สวิตเซอร์แลนด์

seating arrangements of the official luncheon on 25 may 1897 [Swiss Federal Archives]

Siam Swiss Centenary - ร้อยปีสยาม-สวิตเซอร์แลนด์

Menu Card of the Luncheon offered by the Swiss Confederation in honour of H.M. King Chulalongkorn on May 25th 1897 in Bernerhof [Swiss Federal Archives]

Siam Swiss Centenary - ร้อยปีสยาม-สวิตเซอร์แลนด์

Menu of the State Luncheon on May 25 th, 1897

Siam Swiss Centenary - ร้อยปีสยาม-สวิตเซอร์แลนด์

Programme of the music performed during the State Luncheon on May 25 th, 1897
[Swiss Federal Archives]

Siam Swiss Centenary - ร้อยปีสยาม-สวิตเซอร์แลนด์

Photograph taken by Ami-Emile Pricam at the Villa Plongeon in Geneva after the official luncheon offered by King Chulalongkorn to the federal Council

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Menu card of the dinner offered by the Berne cantonal Government to King Chulalongkorn at the grand Hotel Victoria in Interlaken on Friday 28 th of May 1897

Siam Swiss Centenary - ร้อยปีสยาม-สวิตเซอร์แลนด์

Menu for the dinner at the Grand Hotel Victoria , Interlaken on May 28 th, 1897

Siam Swiss Centenary - ร้อยปีสยาม-สวิตเซอร์แลนด์

Wine card for the dinner at the Grand Hotel Victoria , Interlaken on May 28 th, 1897

Siam Swiss Centenary - ร้อยปีสยาม-สวิตเซอร์แลนด์

A concert was performed on Friday 28 th of May 1897 at the Kursaal Interlaken, in honour of King Chulalongkorn

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The back side of the concert programme on May 28 th, 1897 at the Kursaal, Interlaken

Siam Swiss Centenary - ร้อยปีสยาม-สวิตเซอร์แลนด์

H.M. King Chulalongkorn on the Kleine Scheidegg, 29 th of May, 1897

Siam Swiss Centenary - ร้อยปีสยาม-สวิตเซอร์แลนด์

The Royal Party leaves the Kleine Scheidegg for Grindelwald on May 29 th of 1897

Siam Swiss Centenary - ร้อยปีสยาม-สวิตเซอร์แลนด์

Minutes of the 1 st of june 1897 meeting of the Federal Council concerning the telegram of thanks received from the King and the exchange of gifts. [Swiss Federal Archives]

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